© 2016 Migdalia Caban, All Paintings and photo images on this site
are copyrighted by the artists.
All rights reserved.
Click on each painting for
Eklektikos Alpha
Artist: Migdalia Caban
'Boricua MC'
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 40 3/8 X 30 Inches
Year: 2009
Support: Primed hallow core door
No frame needed
Light Fixtures not included
Contact Artist for Price & Information
The Eklektikos Collerction:
The Eklektikos Collection embodies a technique and philosophy that provides an exiting way of looking at a single painting
from different perspectives, and discovering new details through the use of different
light source (incandescent light, fluorescent Black light). These effects are
achieved by the use of acrylic paints with diverse qualities and texture, the use of palette knifes, and with the accentuation
and variation of brush strokes. Details and sometimes hidden figures are
reveled through the use of fluorescent black light. My Eklektikos technique provides exiting possibilities and different ways
to showcase each of these unique paintings according to your desired mood, decor and ambiance.
It's my personal invitation to you, the viewer,
to become an active partner with me in the creative processes.
Eclectic… Mysterious… You become part
of the artistic journey. If you are the type of person that needs variation, and exiting options under any light
in life, my “Eklektikos Collection” has been created just for you!
Information |
© 2016 Migdalia
Caban. The Artist reserves all rights
of reproduction and all copyright on the Work, the preliminary design, and any incidental works made in the creation of the
Work. The Work may not be photographed, sketched, painted, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written
consent of the Artist. |